Thursday, June 2, 2011

Brawne Lamia


Hillary Swank. As Hollywood's leading tough gal, Hillary has the chops to play pretty much any role. I am curious how they will deal with the characters from high gravity planets. If they decide to cast as usual and use effects/make-up/costumes, then she would be a fantastic choice.


Sonja Sohn. She was ridiculously amazing as Detective Kima on "The Wire." Swank is more famous, but I would pick Sonja over her for this specific role. If you haven't seen the show and don't know who she is, stop reading this and find a way to watch it (Netflix has the whole series, DVD only right now).

Fehdmanh Kassad


Naveen Andrews. Everyone's favorite (ex?)torturer from LOST is actually a similar character to the Colonel. He did a great job in that role, so no reason this wouldn't be just fine.


Oded Fehr. You may remember him as the face-tattoo guy from "The Mummy" series. I have always pictured him as Kassad for some reason, and I think he'd be perfect.

Sol Weintraub


Bruce Willis. He usually plays tough guys, but I think he has the range to play a more sensitive, erudite, and fatherly role as the professor.


Ricky Jay. This renowned performer/magician/actor may be a little camp, but he feels right to me for this role. He also may be a little too old.